
Ny bok om workflow foundation

Snubblade över denna bok (är en eBook och alltså billig men finns tryckt också) och den verkar intressant.

Features of this Short Cut series include

  • Demonstrations on how to build practical workflow applications by solving problems that workflow developers will have to solve.
  • Plenty of code that helps demonstrate how to solve the practical problems of building an application. The first three Short Cuts emphasize and illustrate how to build the elements of an application.
  • The fourth Short Cut will pick a different application and illustrate how to build a workflow application with more emphasis on the design strategy and tactics using the problem solutions developed in the first three articles.
  • Providing this information as a Short Cut will enable information to be delivered to developers quickly, more efficiently, and cheaply than could be done in a book, but with the quality of a book rather than the superficial level of most current articles.

Vet inte hur bra boken är men den verkar vara en snabb väg upp på banan i alla fall. Om någon redan läst den eller om ni köper och läser den får ni gärna kommentera med era åsikter.

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